Microdrones at InterGeo 2019

Look for Microdrones at INTERGEO 2019

The Microdrones booth will be located at Interaerial Solutions, Hall H, exhibit number D.4.060.

Look for the Microdrones booth at INTERGEO

Our team of expert professionals will be on hand to explain how Microdrones fully-integrated systems combine unmanned aircraft with sensors, hardware, software, workflow, and support.

We’ll also have the mdLiDAR3000 and mdLiDAR1000 on display so you can learn how: LIDAR + DRONES + EASY TO USE SOFTWARE = EXTREME GEOMATICS PRODUCTIVITY

The mdLiDAR3000 and mdLiDAR1000 are fully integrated systems for producing 3D point clouds optimized for land surveying, construction, oil & gas, and mining applications.

Ask us how LiDAR-equipped drones can achieve higher levels of accuracy on survey projects that could previously only be completed using helicopters or airplanes. LiDAR (Light Detecting and Ranging) illuminates the target with a laser, and penetrates through multiple layers, such as a tree canopy, to see all the way to the ground. This makes the technology well-suited for generating 3-D digital terrain models (DTM) in areas with heavy vegetation and rough terrain.

We look forward to seeing you at INTERGEO 2019 and discussing how you can increase your productivity by adding Microdrones into your workflow.

If you'd like to learn more about mdLiDAR CLICK HERE to speak with one of our representatives.