Drone LiDAR Data Set Comparisons

The team at Microdrones would like to present and compare data collected by the mdLiDAR3000DL & mdLiDAR1000. Learn about the workflow used to create the data and then take a look and interact with the...

Norgeodesi joins Microdrones Distributor Network in Norway

Norgeodesi, the official distributor of Trimble geodesy equipment in Norway has announced they are now offering Microdrones integrated systems as part of their sales products. The company prides...

Drone Surveying Questions and Answers. mdAskMeAnything Webinar Replay

Do you have questions about making drones a part of your work? Watch the Ask Me Anything webinar replay for the answers.

Welcome to Webinar April- Expanded Drone Surveying Webinars

Microdrones is making extensive content available online to help support customers with educational material and informative webinars. These webinars will also be made available in multiple languages...

The Microdrones World Tour Home Office Edition

Usually at this time of year, the team from Microdrones would be busy attending trade shows, conferences, mdGeoMeets and other demonstrations throughout the world. Due to current circumstances and...

Drones in Mining. A new podcast from Microdrones.

Listen to the latest Propelling podcast in the player below, where Syamsul Bahri, Microdrones sales manager for Asia, shares information and insights into the benefits of the industry-leading products...
Drones for Surveying /

Drone Lidar project, Down to Earth, featured in xyHt 2020 Heights edition

Heights 2020, a special edition from the publishers of xyHt, featured a story about the Microdrones reality series Down to Earth, where Crafton Tull was tasked with the daunting job of surveying up to...

10 Things to Know About Drone LiDAR and Your Business

Is your business ready to take to the sky but you still have some questions about the technology and resources needed to launch? Microdrones has streamlined the entire process of operating our...

Integrating Drone LiDAR Into Your Business. Propelling by Microdrones

If you have ever had to access challenging terrain, deal with heavy vegetation, or complete an extremely time-consuming surveying or mapping project, then this podcast with Irene Jimenez is for you....
Drones for Surveying /

Drone Lidar Surveying with Crafton Tull

Eye in the Sky- Crafton Tull is a leader in drone surveying. Dwain Hebda wrote this great article for Arkansas Money & Politics about the surveying job Crafton Tull performed in the Ozarks for the...

Should I Invest in Drone Lidar- Spanish version

Are you or your company considering drone based LiDAR? Join Microdrones in this webinar replay and find out how Drone LiDAR technology from Microdrones has been used to scan EDF's hydraulic...

Should I Invest in Drone Lidar- French version

Are you or your company considering drone based LiDAR? Join Microdrones in this webinar replay and find out how Drone LiDAR technology from Microdrones has been used to scan EDF's hydraulic...

A drone Lidar podcast

The LiDAR technology market’s expected growth is up to USD 2.2 billion by 2024, according to Markets & Markets. The adoption of Lidar systems in UAVs is a contributing factor to this expanding growth....

Microdrones February World Tour Updates

The month of February has been a whirlwind of activity for the Microdrones sales team as they continue to make new contacts, meet with current customers and distributors, share success stories, new...
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Big Creek UAV Lidar Dataset

LiDAR Dataset from Big Creek as seen in Down to Earth
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Wednesday Webinar Replay: Down to Earth

In this Wednesday Webinar Replay, learn how Crafton Tull navigated the challenging terrain of the Ozark Mountains with the Microdrones mdLIDAR1000, over an elevation change of more than 500 feet.
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New UAV Reality Surveying Series- Down to Earth

It’s time to step out of the office and into the field. “Down to Earth” is a new reality series revealing the challenges and hazards that surveying crews face while determining points on the...

2020 Microdrones World Tour is Underway

The Microdrones sales team is taking its show on the road, engaging in direct, in-depth, face-to-face talks with key user communities and prospective clients all around the world. First stop was at...

New UAV Integrated Systems and Software from Microdrones

Microdrones recently launched the mdMapper3000DuoG VHR, mdMapper3000DuoG and mdMapper3000PPK, and announced plans for new software as well as an updated methane detection sensor.
Drones for Engineering /

UAV Lidar Corridor Flight and sample data from AGE Engineering

AGE Engineering Services Inc. is a Microdrones customer who is using the mdLidar3000DL for corridor flights and mapping power lines. They recently provided a great video of some of their...