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European Commission Strategy for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)

The development of drones (RPAS or Unmanned Aircraft Systems) started in the 50’s and matured rapidly in recent years in the military context. Drones are now entering the civil market, opening a...
Études de cas /

Test For High Voltage Interference

Microdrones in test lab for high voltage interference at Dresden Technical University.
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Aerial 3D Scanning With md4-1000

The use of so-called micro unmanned aerial vehicles (MUAV) as sensor devices is risisng steadily – in both the scientific and civil areas.
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DLR: Kontas Bench Testing For Certifying Components For Parabolic Trough Power Stations

Qfly (flying camera) for measuring parabolic trough collectors.
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UK Fire Service Using Microdrones md4-200

West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS) is the first fire and rescue service in Great Britain to successfully use an unmanned aerial vehicle, which it has deployed since 2007.
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Measuring Sawdust From The Air

Ever tried measuring sawdust? The project to do so required a 3D model of three burial mounds. It was necessary to distinguish between three possible methods.
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Aerial Mapping With Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

With the growing need for orthophotography and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) comes a rise in the number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), requiring for mapping with aerial images.
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Aerial Measurement Of Parabolic Trough Collector Fields

Instead of a stationary camera on the ground, QFlky is being used to take images of the curved collectors. A sensitive aerial camera takes the images, meaning that an almost completely automatic and...
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Innovative Technology In Pipeline Monitoring

In addition to conventional helicopter runs, Thyssengas launched a project to monitor high-pressure gas pipelines using lightweight, independent drones. This technique will either replace or be in...
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Early And Location-Specific Weed Management

The Department for Crop Protection, Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (IAS), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Córdoba, Spain.
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Use Of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) At Accident Scenes

The use of UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) by police forces has been mainly for search and surveillance activity, but now also presents outstanding opportunities in documenting and surveying accident...
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The Use Of Uas For Civil Tasks – BIGS

Unmanned aircraft or Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are becoming ever more important. In the area of civil applications, however, their use to date has been limited. As part of this study potential...
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Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

The flying eye in action
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UNITAR showcased its work and the microdrone md4-200 to geneva population at United Nations Geneva open day
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RTL Aktuell

Drones take care of dangerous jobs autonomously
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Drones against palm weevils
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Der Tagesspiegel

Drones with cameras fly for the police and fire service
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heise online

Police chiefs agree guidelines for use of drones
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Airshield Final Test "Performance & Heat Resistance"

An impressive video providing a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes at "Project AirShield".