“Simple” and “FAA Compliance” might not be the first phrases that you expect to see married together in a sentence. But after thousands of combined hours of FAA-compliant flight the Microdrones team has the experience to verify that doing things the right way is the only way.
When you take a step back from the fine legal print, many of the Part 107 regulations are rooted in simple common sense. Here are the basics:
- Pass an initial aeronautical knowledge test at one of the FAA’s 690 testing centers located across the country. Here’s a study guide.
- Be vetted by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
- Obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate with a small UAS rating (which never expires)
- Pass a recurrent aeronautical knowledge test every 24 months
- Report all accidents to the FAA within 10 days of any operation that results in injury or damage to property in excess of $500
- Conduct preflight inspections, including aircraft and control station systems checks to ensure the small UAS is safe for operation
- Drones larger than 55lbs/25kg must register with the FAA
There are also rules that must be followed during a flight operation:
- No flying at night
- No flying above 400 feet
- Establish a direct line of sight - no flying BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line Of Sight)
- No flying in national parks
- No flying directly over people
These rules are in place to improve the safety of drone operators, as well as the general public. Understanding these regulations and properly complying with them prior to commencing drone operations is critical, but not complicated, if you take the right steps.
If you are a surveyor, who is considering adding UAV mapping to your toolkit of services, our team is happy to give you advice.