
Drones Have Changed Many Industries – Agriculture is No Exception


Every day, billions of gallons of freshwater gets used for crop irrigation. This blanket method means that a good portion of that precious water is wasted on dead or ripened crops. In response, researchers and manufacturers are developing UAV technology to map fields in need of watering. This type of precision agriculture can optimize a farmer’s efficiency, not only in what is put into a field, like water and fertilizer, but also the best method for managing pests and crop quality while maximizing yields. Already revolutionizing a number of industries, unmanned aerial vehicles are transforming agriculture as well.

A Wide Number and Variety of Applications

Only limited by the imagination, there are countless applications for farmers interested in test-running this valuable UAV technology. For instance, it was customary in the past for someone such as an intern or summer hire to walk the fields with a notebook, laboriously marking down the progress of crops. These days, however, drones equipped with multispectral payloads, utilizing near-infrared sensors can more efficiently and accurately record this type of information in a fraction of the time. Unmanned aerial surveying can also be extended to mapping weeds to show farmers areas where weed growth is most intense.

Sebastien Long, Sales Manager for Microdrones in Canada said, “Precision agriculture with drones is not limited to multispectral sensors. Although most commonly used for surveying applications, our mdMapper1000DG system can create a better, faster and more accurate data set for field leveling, as compared to traditional ground methods or walking the field.”  

Long added, “Microdrones has proven that our drones, equipped with the right sensor, can even help detect bad field irrigation—it’s obviously important to start your next crop season on time and with efficiency and ease… we have a lot of ways to help customers to that with integrated aerial systems.”

The True Power of UAV Technology is Data

Many in the agriculture industry have gotten on board with integrated drone technology, but some remain skeptical. The benefit lies in their ability to assess and deliver precise data much more rapidly than any human could. The data UAVs can provide for farmers isn’t new—it’s the same information they’ve gathered since the dawn of agriculture, only now It’s captured quickly and efficiently from above, utilizing a simple workflow. 

With a robust design that can handle rough weather, and offering the longest flight times available on the market, Microdrones UAVs are empowering farmers and agronomists the world over with an endless array of agricultural applications that not only monitor crop vitality, but diagnose potential issues to reduce their impact and abate loss. Microdrones offers multiple accessory payloads, and the mdCockpit companion app simplifies planning, monitoring, and analysis. 

By putting the maximum amount of useful information in the hands of agriculture pros, Microdrones integrated systems can pay for themselves through improved yields and maximized returns.

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