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| Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, Canada

md4-1000 Added to Transport Canada's Coveted List of Compliant Systems

Microdrones is excited to announce that their popular md4-1000 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has been added to Transport Canada’s (TC) exclusive list of Compliant Unmanned Air Vehicles.

One of only eight companies worldwide to have this distinction, Microdrones’ accomplishment benefits clients across the globe – not just Canada.

"This compliance of our md4-1000 drone has great meaning for users everywhere, as it implies a certain level of safety and quality," said Sebastien Long, Microdrones' Sales Manager for Canada. "We are proud to have achieved compliance and it is especially meaningful that the list is maintained by Transport Canada."

Canada is recognized as having one of the safest, most successful civil aviation programs in the world, and that is largely due to the efforts of Transport Canada.  TC works diligently with domestic and international partners to maintain their pristine safety and security record.

To declare compliance, Microdrones was required to submit a variety of application materials, including flight, maintenance, and systems design manuals.

"Users who choose a compliant UAV, like the Microdrones md4-1000, will be eligible to apply for a Compliant Operator Certificate from Transport Canada that comes with important benefits," explained Jocelyne Bois, Microdrones Flight Operations Manager.

According to Transport Canada, operators deemed compliant may be granted greater geographic flexibility, like flying in restricted areas, closer to airports or cities, and beyond the visual line of sight. They may also benefit from extended validity, streamlined renewal, and priority processing of Special Flight Operations Certificates (SFOC).

"This compliance means that our platform meets design standards and will provide users with the opportunity to become a TC-compliant organization, gaining access to all the related advantages," said Long. "Our certificate shows that we are in the highest class and adds another item to the long list of reasons surveying and mapping professionals should choose Microdrones UAS."

Microdrones developed the world's first commercial quadcopter and their mdMapper solutions lead the industry for aerial surveying and mapping. mdMapper packages are complete solutions that include aircraft, sensors, and software – everything companies need to get started.

The two mdMapper solutions that include the compliant md4-1000 aircraft include:

  • mdMapper1000 – Extra-long flight times and resistance to harsh environmental conditions make this complete mapping system an excellent choice for applications like surveying, mapping, inspection, and construction. 
  • mdMapper1000DG – The benefits of mdMapper1000 plus the power of direct georeferencing combine to produce the best possible accuracy and time savings with no ground control points. 

Users can increase the functionality of these systems by purchasing accessory kits. Some of the available options include inspection, multispectral, thermal, and soon LiDAR and methane gas detection kits.