Did you know Microdrones has expert sales representatives positioned around the globe, ready to help customers who want to get started using unmanned systems? We wanted to give potential customers a chance to get to know a little about their local UAV Experts. Sara Furlong, Microdrones content marketing manager, interviewed Microdrones sales manager Elena Rodriguez to introduce those in Mexico, Central, and South America to the person who can help them get off the ground.
Sara: First off, Elena, what have you been doing all your life? What did you do before you came to Microdrones?
Elena: I have always worked in sales and I’ve spend more than 15 years in geospatial. I started my career working for a technology magazine and in 1999, I met a geospatial pro who gave me a job working in sales. I’ve loved the industry ever since and have worked for companies that were focused on different stages of geospatial projects. For instance, I worked with a company that hired flying companies, one that did post-processing, one that provided software. So I’m very well acquainted with the work geospatial professionals do, the deliverables they are required to produce, and the challenges they face.
Sara: Excellent. So you will be a great resource for geospatial clients. You live in Mexico now, correct?
Elena: Yes. Guadalajara, Mexico. In 2000, I moved to Mexico. Before that I lived in Venezuela, where I was born.
Sara: And what is your official territory for Microdrones?
Elena: I am sales manager for Mexico, Central, and South America.
Sara: Based on your experience in the industry, what do you think is special about Microdrones?
Elena: There are two parts to this answer: the technology and the people.
From a technology standpoint, we are very special because we are providing complete solutions. We put a lot of time and resources into creating exactly the system the customer needs and I truly believe we are providing the best surveying and mapping platform in the world.
From a user experience standpoint, I love that Microdrones is very customer-focused. When you work with Microdrones, you will be working with real people who want to understand your needs and provide you with your perfect system.
We don’t just try to sell a prospect a package – especially if it is not the best system for their needs. That helps no one. We are experienced in the geospatial industry and it is our job to guide the customers and equip them with the info they need to make the best possible decision.
It is all about people and understanding what they need. I like that.
Sara: How does someone who is interested in starting to use drones begin?
Elena: Well, the first step is just reaching out to the Microdrones sales representative in your area and having a conversation about your needs and goals. A sales person’s number one objective should be to understand your needs. Before I send a new client anything, I want to know all about them. I want them to tell me, in detail, what they want to do with a system like ours.
That’s one of the things that makes Microdrones special as a company: we know that each client is unique and we take the time to understand them and the work that they do. And the customers really appreciate that.
Sara: What do you like about your job?
Elena: My favorite thing about my job is that I am always learning. My son was born in 1995, the year of the internet, and I remember wondering if I would ever embrace technology. Little did I know that I would not only embrace it, but would remain at the forefront of technology throughout my career.
It is so exciting to work in such a new industry and still focus on geospatial. I love that I am constantly learning — everyone in this industry is. It feels amazing to be challenged intellectually on a daily basis.
I also really love helping people. It is very gratifying to talk to clients who are able to grow their business and perform better because of solutions we have provided.
Sara: So what do you do when you’re not talking about drones, surveying, and mapping?
Elena: (Laughing) Well, my life is very boring, Sara. When I’m not working, I love to cook. I’m a good cook. And I teach yoga and garden. I also have lots of pets — a dog, turtles, some rabbits. For me, my home is a peaceful place for me to unwind and stay centered. And this helps me to do my job well.
Sara: How can people get in touch with you?
Elena: Those who are located in Mexico, Central, or South America can e-mail me at elena.rodriguez@Microdrones.com. Those outside of that region can e-mail info@Microdrones.com. It is our policy to get back to people within 2 business days. I look forward to hearing from new businesses!