Down to Earth, a surveying reality series, shows how real surveyors collect data and turn it into real deliverables, despite challenging conditions, rugged terrain and lurking dangers.
Get ready to dig into the construction side of Down to Earth!
That’s because this time our show ventures into the Cougar Country of Southwest Florida. Watch as the Cougar Companies fly ahead of their competition and use drone LiDAR technology to provide more detailed topographic surveys and a more thorough picture of sites both pre and post-construction. However, the unpredictable nature of Florida weather doesn’t always create the best flying conditions.
Watch Episode 1 Below:
The first episode introduces Adam Murphree, Director of Technology for Cougar Companies, and explains how he’s using drone Lidar Technology to the companies’ advantage. For Episodes 2 and 3 you’ll follow Adam as he contends with heavy equipment, active construction sites and the gusty winds of Florida to get the job done.
Watch Episode 2 Below:
“These next episodes of Down to Earth show how the Cougar Companies are taking advantage of drone Lidar technology to not only be more efficient, but to win more projects and grow their business,” said Microdrones Marketing Director Bret Burghdurf. “Being on site at the various construction jobs give you a much better sense of the scope and size of the projects that the Cougar Companies are dealing with and how drone surveying equipment from Microdrones gives them an edge on their competition. But, producing these episodes definitely wasn’t a breeze, thanks to some blustery conditions. Dealing with the Florida weather made for some exciting episodes of Down to Earth.”
Find out if the Cougar Companies can deliver in circumstances that try even the most experienced pilots.
Watch Episode 3 Below:
We hope you enjoy our latest Down to Earth episodes! For more information on this series or to learn about drone LiDAR, CLICK HERE to speak to one of our professionals.